Marketing lessons from a global pandemic


Marketing and business is always evolving, especially in the digital age, however the events of the last few years have accelerated change faster than ever.

As the Covid pandemic swept the planet, lockdowns and social distancing meant that the way we did business had to change quickly in order to survive.

Our customers became adept at researching and buying online. Services that were once offered in-person suddenly became virtual. The way we work, travel, shop and entertain ourselves changed almost overnight.

For many this was catastrophic. Many businesses simply became less viable and many are still only just getting by.

But for others a new world of opportunity opened up.

Numerous businesses either adapted quickly or had the right assets in place to take advantage of this strange new world.

Quite a few businesses I work with finally saw the real potential of their business as they pivoted from the local “in-person” service we know traditionally to an online offering serving customers nationally or even internationally. In their desperation to survive in a pandemic they discovered a much larger market.

Needless to say, Covid has changed the world and it has changed the way we do business. 

While some rules of marketing are timeless, there are also new ways we can now attract and convert more of our ideal customers. Following them can make a huge difference to your business and quite possibly “future proof” you against the next unexpected twist.

I’ve just released an e-book about The New Rules of Marketing. It explains how to consistently attract more customers in a post-pandemic world.

These are all the successful strategies I used to help my clients survive and thrive during the last two crazy years, plus tips on how to implement them for your business.

Feel free to download it here.