Launch, Test, Improve

It is rare that any marketing is immediately “perfect”. Assumptions must be tested. Ideas must be polished.

A big mistake a lot of businesses make is that they quit a campaign too soon if it’s not delivering ideal results.

But quite often the best results come after testing and improving the campaign based on real world feedback and responses.

It’s not that the whole campaign is bad or wrong, but possibly parts of it aren’t quite right…yet.

Fortunately, in the digital age you can create and launch campaigns quickly and cost-effectively. You can test the assumptions and then tweak the campaign as required.

  • Is the audience right? Adjust the targeting.
  • Not enough ad engagement? Change the copy.
  • Good engagement but nor enough responses? Adjust the call-to-action.
  • Good response rate but not enough sales? Review and adjust the value proposition.

A good marketing campaign is like a well-oiled machine. Improve each component (one at a time) and steadily watch performance increase.

Once your campaign reaches peak performance it can potentially run for months or even years with minimal extra effort. Just slight fine-tuning along the way.

We’ve seen numerous clients enjoy great success during the last few turbulent years by staying the course and making steady improvements.

Of course, it is easier to get this right when you have a steady flow of leads in your pipeline because every adjustment delivers a clear outcome.

By the way, whenever you are ready, here are 3 ways I can help you…

1. Grab a free copy of my new e-book called The New Rules of Marketing.  It explains how to consistently attract more customers in a post-pandemic world. These are all the successful strategies I used to help my clients survive and thrive during the last two crazy years, plus tips on how to implement them for your business.

2. If you are a small business owner with a B2C service offering, work with me to create a marketing plan for rapid growth in my 30-Day Marketing Accelerator. This is everything I do for agency clients who pay a premium to work with me in person, except we’ll do it via guided video sessions and Zoom calls. More efficient. More cost-effective.

3. If you’re keen to move faster and have the support of my full team, we can create a proven customer acquisition plan in the next 7 days. We’ll conduct a full day workshop with you, going through the proven steps you need to create your Attract & Convert marketing plan. You can see more information here.